
Hi, I’m Rubén Fernández

Although I’ve always worked in tech, my life has taken many turns. Currently, I work primarily with Elixir, mainly using Phoenix Framework - technologies I discovered by chance that have since become my preferred stack. I’ve spent many years in software development and have seen many technologies, frameworks, and methodologies come and go. I started my career in the .NET ecosystem, where I learned many of the fundamentals I still use today.

Right now, the industry is experiencing an earthquake due to Artificial Intelligence. It’s not clear where this path will lead us, but it’s going to be an exciting journey, both for the technological challenges and the challenges society will face. It’s going to be fun to live through it (hopefully).

Personal Life and Development

I’m a father of two children who take up most of my free time. Without a doubt, they are the biggest challenge I have and will ever face in my life, one that is constant and comes with great responsibility.

Beyond technology, I have other passions, like reading. I always carry my Kindle with me, and although I know it’s impossible, I’d love to read every book in the world. My favorite genres are science fiction and historical novels, but I really enjoy any well-written book. I also read many technical and personal development books because I strongly believe that reading helps open your mind.

Another one of my great passions is cinema. Just like with books, I enjoy good stories regardless of the genre. Recommendations are welcome.

To stay in shape, I practice calisthenics, a discipline that attracts me for its progressive challenges. I love how each exercise prepares you for the next level, and how you can gradually improve until you achieve movements that seemed impossible at first.

About this blog

This is my space to share everything that makes me think, grow, or simply entertains me. You’ll find reflections about life (sometimes completely unrelated to programming), reviews of books that have influenced me and what I’ve learned from them, ideas about personal development, and updates on my personal projects.

I also write about technology, especially Elixir and Phoenix, but this blog goes beyond code. It’s a place where I share my “brain dumps”, those ideas and thoughts that emerge along the way and that somehow help me better understand the world and myself.

So here I’ll be, sharing my perspective and experiences, hoping that something I write might be useful or spark a conversation.


If you want to contact me or learn about the things I do and publish, you can do so in the following ways: